
I was never going to be king. I was never going to be Moses.  God decided, long before I arrived, that my world would be small and I would not rule it. This, without surrender, I have accepted.

Of the sermons that were forced on me when I was young, I can recall but a single of thing of value: the admonition that you should always act as if. I’ve never strayed far from that counsel.

Despite my sins, shortcomings, and unimportance, the untamed cats of my neighborhood believe me to be of God. I can think of no more desirable form of canonization than this.

Here, in the form of a journal, I offer you my stories, thoughts, and questions.

—Saint Eby 


Unless indicated by citation or other acknowledgement, all written and photographic material within this site is of my own creation, witness, or torment, and should be considered copyright protected. Please be courteous if you wish to quote, share, or curse my work.